Two-thousand+ years ago, Jesus rode a donkey triumphally into Jerusalem to the acclaim of the crowds. Fast forward to LCC in 2024, where we will commemorate his journey at our 9:00 a.m. service, with shouts of hosanas and a dramatic reading of the Passion, the story of his Last Supper, arrest, crucifixion and death.
After the service, our Children’s Ed team will once again offer the Palm Sunday Fair. An event for all ages, it will feature four activity tables in the narthex that will teach Holy Week events (as well as educate about our Piglet campaign!). The activities include:
Coloring fabric pig squares for a quilt
Decorating containers and planting seeds
Making self-hardening clay butterflies
Decorating wooden crosses with shells, gems, and more!
In addition to the coffee, water and juice that we usually have on the Coffee Patio, we will also have pastries and of course, HOMEMADE PRETZELS!
Our Contemporary Service at 10:30 will round out the worship for the day. So come for Traditional worship at 9, come for the Fair, come for the Contemporary Service, come for all three!