Once again, the Quilters of LCC will offer the fruits of their labor to be blessed and dedicated during the 9:00 service on Sunday, February 5. Thirty-eight quilts will be displayed on our pews, the work of around eight quilters this year. After they are blessed, the quilts will be delivered to
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Tampa, and then from there sent up to Maryland.
From there, Lutheran World Relief will send them out to countries all over the globe, sharing the warmth of God’s love with people who are in need. LWR began their Quilt Ministry way back in 1945, but LCC’s involvement is more recent. “We
started the quilting in 2016,” Lorna Reed explains, “and it’s been growing ever since.”
The Quilters meet every second Monday right after the Adult Bible Study in Fellowship Hall.
They quilt right up until lunch, a free, usually homemade offering from one or more of the
participants. They are always looking for more people to tie quilts – “You don’t have to know how to sew,” Lorna assures, but for those who do sew she adds, “but we also need more quilt tops.”
For the last several years, some of the quilts that have been made have also been given to our
high school graduates, who have greatly appreciated them. That will continue this year as well. Each of the blankets costs $2.50 to ship to LWR, and so a basket will be available in the narthex this Sunday for anyone who would like to offset the cost of shipping. Please be as generous as you can.