It’s a birthday party, and you’re invited! On Sunday, May 19 we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, in which the Holy Spirit filled the disciples and started the church. Being family together as church is God’s gift to us, and we plan to unwrap and celebrate that gift in many ways on Sunday the 19th.
For our 9am traditional worship, festive red balloons will decorate the pews and altar, and we’ll sing songs of praise to the Holy Spirit. We will also honor our nine (yes nine!) graduates that day during the service, and after the service a cake reception will be offered in their honor.
The fun continues at 10:30 am with a birthday-themed Family Worship for all ages in the Fellowship Hall. Grab a party hat and praise God as we gather in “God’s Family Room.”
At 11:30, all are welcome to our Birthday Bash, complete with a candy-filled pinata, ice cream and the return of our Backyard Barbecue. Please invite neighbors and friends to drop in. Burgers, hot dogs and sides will be provided with games and fun on the playground and Fellowship Hall.
Because red is the traditional color of Pentecost, we encourage everyone at both services to wear something red to celebrate. The only gift you need to bring is you!