During our stewardship campaign, we’ve talked about growing our story, and we’ve enjoyed the image of the tree of faith with us as the branches and leaves. I think this is a wonderful image to have in mind when we think about what holds us together: our time spent together.
Used to be, we’d have dinners every Wednesday night, with activities following. But times and schedules have changed, and so we no longer do that, except for during Lent. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have times to get together over food and have fun!
Of course, our name, LCC, stands for Lutheran Church of the Cross, but it could also stand for Love Cooking and Conversing. From our annual Stewardship Brunch, to the Easter Breakfast, to the Ladies’ Candlelight Dinner, and Fish Fry, all the way down to our Backyard Barbeques and Simply Social, we LCC’ers really know the importance of gathering around food for fun and fellowship.
Our Backyard Barbeques are held periodically after the 10:30 am worship service, which works very well for some of the newer families who have been coming to that service. But the BBQ is attended by some of our 9 am worshippers too, as well as neighborhood families who are “checking us out”!
Simply Social is a more recent branch on the tree. Hosted by a family each month, it’s a chance for us to gather at their home, enjoy some appetizers and beverages, and just get to know each other better. No strings attached – as we say, it’s Simply Social!
Here are just a few pictures for you to enjoy from some of our events. As you can see, the roots of the Wednesday night suppers of years past have blossomed into many, many more opportunities to get together, share food and enjoy the love we have in Christ. Our story has written another chapter, and the moral of the story is that when two or three are gathered in Christ’s name, in or outside of worship, he is definitely among us.