Originally scheduled for mailing on Thursday, September 26, 2024, a date which will live in infamy, distribution of our 2025 Stewardship Campaign materials, as well as the subsequent planned Temple Talks, have been deferred until after the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. We recognize that many of our fellow congregants who were affected by Hurricane Helene on that fateful Thursday, and/or Hurricane Milton one week later, face considerable financial difficulties or uncertainties at this time and are not prepared to make a stewardship commitment to our church for next year.
Nonetheless, we ask that, if you are able, to begin giving some thought as to what your pledge commitment for 2025 might be and to adjust your giving after the start of the new year accordingly. For those who were not significantly impacted by the storms, please bear in mind that some of your fellow congregants who were not so fortunate may be unable to match their previous giving levels. Please consider, if you are in a position to do so, stepping up your stewardship commitment for next year to help fill the anticipated giving shortfall.
We will develop a provisional budget for 2025 using our best judgement as to what our pledges will look like and make appropriate adjustments once we have an indication of what our pledges will be. Fortunately, going into the hurricanes our church was in a solid financial position, but throughout the recovery process and into next year, our operating expenses will continue. Our collective stewardship commitment will be vital to maintaining LCC’s path forward in our upcoming 60th year and beyond.