On the Way to Bethlehem

For the past several years, we’ve been Journeying Through Bethlehem. This year’s hurricanes forced us to pause hosting that event, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get ready for Advent. Because after all, you can’t Journey Through Bethlehem unless you first get on the road. So this year we will begin our Advent journey to Christmas joy On the Way to Bethlehem.

On the Way to Bethlehem will be a fun-filled, in-between-the-services event on Sunday, December 8, from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Food including pancakes, bacon, sausages and fruit, will be served on the coffee patio and the lower area, and we will have activities and crafts in the narthex (lobby).

So, what can you expect On the Way to Bethlehem? Crafts and activities will include an Advent bead count-down, making Chrismons to decorate a Chrismon Tree, icing and eating cookies, constructing Family Advent Wreaths, assembling shut-in bags, and making star ornaments.

While this event will not be as grand in scale as Journey Through Bethlehem, we will still need volunteers on that Sunday morning to set up tables and chairs, make and serve pancakes, supervise the crafts and clean up after the event. Also, we need to borrow 4 or 5 electric griddles as the church ones are in storage.

This free event is great for kids and families, but it is not just for them. We encourage everyone to come join us to learn more about Advent and to have something to celebrate. Next year, we will return to the Point for Journey Through Bethlehem. The animals are already booked for 2025, and most of the props and materials survived the flood. The hurricanes flooded us, but Christ’s love is more powerful than any storm, and celebrating his arrival can flood our hearts with joy. So please mark your calendars, let us know if you can help, and join us for a wonderful day On the Way to Bethlehem!